
Thursday 25 February 2021

kapa haka trip

 LI:  To learn the teachings of our tupuna ancestors and the history of New Zealand's native people and their land.

this week the year 8 and 7 from panmure bridge school went to the auckland museum we went around the museum to look at the Maori weaponry we then got 10 questions the questions were

  • name of the mountain it is on in Maori
  • Name of the museum in maori
  • 2 long weapons and 2 short weapons
  • name of the three different art forms in the marea

for the ending we practise the haka and then we ate lunch together yesterday was a fun day and we got to learn diffrent new words.

Thursday 18 February 2021


Leadership, is a vital key into being succesful in the future. With Leadership we are able to overcome negative situations, and become more confident. In this DLO, sulia, Moti, Carter, Akuhata & I have worked together to complete this DLO. :

hydration dehydration


After defining hydration and dehydration we worked collaboratively to use our smart searching skills to help us find facts that would teach others why it is important for our health and learning.I found this activity hard because I did not know what hydration and dehydration was. I found this activity … because I …





we needed to complete this activity and it was for  our computers and we needed to see what keys and what we are suppose to do with our computers .



Today I learnt that when it is very hot and the air is shimmering Tānerore performs the haka for his mother, Hine-Raumati. This happens in summer as the land heats up. Our challenge was to think about this while we designed our own kowhaiwhai pattern to represent summer. My pattern shows...

Friday 12 February 2021

Ls2 favorite animals


we needed to go around the classroom and we needed to see what is the  most popular animal the most popular animal was panda and dog the second most popular animal is lion

Wednesday 10 February 2021

summarising - Te Tiriti Waitangi

LI: to explain in fewer words what the text is about 


Today My group and I were reading about the Treaty of Waitangi. To start, we used the book that we were reading to help us create our summary about the Treaty of Waitangi. What we learned from the book is that the treaty of Waitangi is a day of celebration to remember a historical day of peace, where the treaty was signed by a big number of chiefs. In this activity we learnt about information of the Treaty of Waitangi and about why it was signed by many chiefs so New Zealand could be a part of the British Empire.