
Friday 29 November 2019


this week i made a brochure for a frame that can hold pitchures here is the google drawing of what out brochure looks like.


this week for tennis we had to get in to partners and when we get the two champions out twist we have to switch and when the champions get the people that are playing them out the the people that are playing the champions are out.

Thursday 28 November 2019


This week I commented on Lukah's blog about commenting on Chris's blog about commenting on Bella's blog.


this week we made frames so we can sell the frames to other people and we have to bring in money to get tokens to buy things.

Wednesday 27 November 2019

basic facts boxes,

this week for basic facts i had to do my addition and subtraction  it gets
harder and at the top it gets easier.

kiwi Can

L.I to Respect other for their differences

Everyone has their own beliefs/ideas/customs. hold your tongue ( think about what you should say before you say anything because it might be rude in their Culture.

Learn about other cultures and religions and custom. The activity we played was spot the difference.
and we had to number ourselves 1 to 2   so when we switch she says the number that we put ourselves in to we had to change something of ours so they wont recognize what we changed they have to change appearance.

Then we played a game named master tag  someone has to yell out a name and we have to count down from 10 and when the last person gets tagged we cant tag back so when the last person to get tag when the counting stops.

Tuesday 26 November 2019

SSR Selfie

this week for SSR Selfie i had a book that i like to read alot and it is a dinosaure book that has kids and it looks fun to read the book.


for inquiry we had to play a game named coffee shop this game is about supply and demand 
we have to make a delicious tasty coffee that will  make lots off money and there is only 14 days to
get as much money as possible .


LI - Build knowledge of vocabulary, and links words create to the wider world.

for reading i had to make a google slide of what and who is  road dahl's friend
and family  members.


for writing we had to make a rhyme  that describe this photo
this is Muhammad Ali  knocking out someone out in a boxing match.


we had athletics day and it had lots of activity's to play as a team and there was a sponge game that we had  jump in a sack and jump to a tent that look like a tent and we had to take of the sack and
get the sponge collect water and squeeze the water in the bucket. there were 4 teams the teams where
red,yellow,green and blue.


for Math we had to make a plane and the name of the  plane i made was named zip flip and when i flew my plane it flips and it glides. we went to the hall when we finished making our planes and started to fly our hard  work paper planes.

Thursday 14 November 2019


this week for maori we had to do a google docs we had to translate what the Maori is in to English
so they know what the word is.

Kiwi Can

this week for kiwi can we played a game we had to put one of  our hands at the back our back and when we say go me and my partner had to pull it out and make  a number  with your hands for Example if i pull out  a one  and my partner pulls out a five we have to add it up five plus one equal  five and the first one to say the number wins.

then we played a game the name of the game was named musical cones we had to dance and we had to stay on the  side that we got put on and when the music stops we have  to get a cone
from the middle and put on out head and sit down if we survive the last cone the last one to get the cone wins the game.

Wednesday 13 November 2019


i watched saint Patrick video and the video was named kaleidoscope and they did the kaleidoscope with there hands and the video was fantastic

manaiakalani film festival

i watched a video from pt England school it was a cool video because it tells me to
help other people and work together.

Friday 8 November 2019

Kiwi Can

this week for kiwi Can we had to  play a game named rock paper scissors someone wins we had to stay up and when they lose we had to go on our knees when we get  out again  we are out until someone wins the round. then we played another activity we played was animal choir
and when he points a bottle at us we have to say the animal sound he gives us the lions one .

then we had to do the combo if he points at us with his hand we can not speak in the animal languahe gives us until he points the bottle to point at the group.

what sports people like in ls1

       L.I to use statistics  to answer a question

this week for math I had to go around asking people what sports they like the options I had were basketball,soccer,cricket  or other this graph below shows the results.

I found that other sports were the most popular
but the second most popular sport was basketball the least popular was cricket.

I did a record  sheet then  I did a tally sheet and a graph. 

Wednesday 6 November 2019


this week fir writing we had to put our Three little pigs story in to the name named topes
then we had to name the sentences that we think what is topes.

this week for writing we had to  put our three little pigs into topes
then we had to do a paper about a kite that goes on a adventure.


this week for Maori we had to find out what the Maori words mean in English
then we had to write the English word in the next tow .

Legal Images

L.I to learn about smart and legal

this week for Cybersmart we had to find a image and see if it was free to use or it was not 
free to use the image i  picked was  three dogs and the image i got it was free to use the image.

Friday 1 November 2019


this week for kiwi sport we had tennis and we where working on our back hand and our  forehand
the coach that  was teaching us was coach peter and he helped us make sure we where doing the  hitting properly.


L.I to retell a narrative 
We had to write our own version of the three little pigs or work as a group we decided to pick to work together.
then i had to present the story to other  groups.