
Thursday 17 December 2020

SLJ Week 1 Activity 5

 LI: To create a kowhaiwhai pattern to represent summer

Today I learnt that when it is very hot and the air is shimmering Tānerore performs the haka for his mother, Hine-Raumati. This happens in summer as the land heats up. Our challenge was to think about this while we designed our own kowhaiwhai pattern to represent summer.

Tuesday 15 December 2020

SLJ Week 1 Activity 4

LI: To create a piece of insect art

Inspired by art creations by Raku Inoue we went outside and collected leaves, twigs, and other plant debris to create our own insect images. I found it quite hard to… because..I enjoyed this because i had to find sticks that made a a insect Three facts I found a about a stick insect are: females are generally larger than males . females can reproduce without the presence of males baby stick bugs are called nymphs.


SLJ Week 1 Activity 3

 L.I To create your own comic strip of an imaginary conversation.

  • My comic strip shows the conversation I imagine these two people had after one of the men had sneezed his teeth into the sea during a fishing trip.  I found this activity fun because I i worked with a room 5 student

Friday 11 December 2020



this is my house hold i had a budge of $100 i need  to spend money on my family to get a present for all of my parents and my siblings in the google slides you will see what I have bought them. 

we needed to see how much money it would take to buy my family presents i was left with $25 
I could buy me something with that $25 .

Tuesday 8 December 2020

operation Christmas drop/research

 L.I to wright a summery behind the operation Christmas drop in your own words

We researched the Operation Christmas Drop and we think its was cool that when they dropped the crates with supplies. They all dropped off with parachutes so it will land safely and it was great practise for the pilots. They dropped the crates with supplies to the villages on remote islands around guam.

Friday 27 November 2020

Tech Blogpost 2020


This year has been one of roughest year as we got into lockdown and things about as Covid-19 hit. On weekdays every friday the year 7’s and year 8’s students at Panmure Bridge School goes to tech, At tech we have 3 rotations, The year 7’s rotations went from Mrs Fregson,Mrs Heka and Mrs Sharma, Mrs Fregoson is all about doing robots and moving them around as playing with coding, Mrs Heka is all about making food and trying them out, lastly Mrs Sharma is all about having fun in science.  I think tech this year was the best as it was our first year doing tech, I really enjoyed finding out new things every friday with them. I think tech really helped me with learning different facts. 

Today at tamaki college was the last week at tech we grabbed 10 leaves for the activity.we had to try to get the colour,texture,thickness,pattern  and the size of the leaves . we had to find out how the plants eat,how plants grow,why animals need plants.than we wrote down what kind of leaves people eat for example cabbage,red cabbage,lettuce,seaweed,kale,spinach.

Then we watched a video about plants and how they spread water through the plant.

Wednesday 25 November 2020

care award collage


For my silver Respect Care Award I have created this is collage about life at Panmure Bridge School. At PBS we are lucky to experience lots of different learning experiences both inside and outside of the classroom.  I  have included photos from cricket, kiwi sport, basketball, food tech and class learning.

Art colouring book

L.I To experiment with colours 


This morning we tried one of this year’s Kick Start Summer Learning Journey activities. The purpose of this task was to experiment with colours by mixing colours from the original palette with pop colours. This allowed us to recolours famous painting or images of landmarks around the world.the picture i chose is called moon masque by Lois Mailou Jones.

Wednesday 18 November 2020

Should masks be compulsory on NZ public transport?


A provocation is an action or speech that triggers strong feelings about a topic. Today we considered both sides of the provocation, ‘Should masks be compulsory on NZ public transport?’ We then used that infomration to help us form an opinion that we could justify with evidence. i say we should wear a mask to protect our selves and to stop the virus from spreading.

Exploring our national current events


These reasons are to persuade, inform or entertain (PIE). Each day, newspaper editors around the world must make decisions about which stories they will run. We explored the different types of current events that are happening in New Zealand, thought about why the story made the news and plotted the location on a google map.
the thing i found interesting is that Leonid meteor shower visible in New Zealand skies. The meteor shower appears from 14 to 21 November. 

Thursday 12 November 2020

main idea


L.I To find out the main idea 

This DLO is about the Main Ideas in the Poem called Embarrassment. I worked with Makaili,Hosea,Afa and  liletina. We needed to read the book twice to help us understand what the book is about.  I also needed to find out the main details that will help others and yourself understand what the main Idea is . Working with my buddies was really fun and enjoyable because we shared our ideas by working together to understand the book and the main idea.


weight challenge 3

LI: to show your strategies  

 This week in maths Afatia, Lukah, haylee, Juel and I created a DLO about our challenge we did in Maths.Our maths challenges were based on our learning about weight. We solved three separate word problems and chose one to make a dlo about. We explained our strategy on how we got the answer. Our problem was to figure out the combination of animals to match the weight of an elephant.

Friday 6 November 2020



L.I to build a rocket to see how far it goes

This week for tech, The year 7s Worked with Mrs Sharma and Mr Dunn. Mr Dunn showed us by explaining and understanding How many fins does the rocket need to fly ( No Fins , 2 Fins or 4 Fins) for my prediction. I think my rocket needs 4 fins to fly. We first started off by writing keywords that link to rocket science. We also learned interesting facts and information about rockets. The most interesting fact I learned was that here is a New Zealand Rocket company called Rocket Lab. We learned interesting things about that lab and who works with them.

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Guy fawkes summary


LI: To explain in fewer words what the text is about

Blurb: i Today LS2 worked with Room 5. We picked partners and my partner was Max and jayden. we also made a summary on Guy Fawkes and how he tried to blow up parliament. We worked collaboratively with our partner and completed the challenge.

Friday 25 September 2020



this week for maths we had to get into pares and play a game. we had to give our partner a time and they have to guess it it was a fun game to play because it was like a competition .

Thursday 24 September 2020



for reading Ong,Sulia,Sakshi and i made a DLO about inertia.inertia has three laws the three laws are
law of direction,law of rest,law of emotion. in this DLO it has all of the three inertia's laws so the inertia of direction is  it is  when the object motion feels a sudden jerk or moves the opposite side due to the change.

Why is it important to make wise choices

 Why is it important to make wise choices?

 Plastic pollution is  really bad for our environment and bad for our sea animals

Did you know that there are 4 billion tons of plastic that goes into our ocean?

 Therefore we got to  stop littering because the rubbish pollutes our environment and our sea animals.  

Why is it important to make wise choices?

When we drop plastic every year there are 4 billion tons of plastic that gets released into the ocean. Some people think that littering is not ok and some people think that it is oK because they are too lazy to put their rubbish in the bin.

Every day approximately 8 million pieces of plastic pollution finds their way into our oceans. There may now be around 5.25 trillion macro and micro plastic pieces floating in the open ocean.

 Weighing up to 269,000 tonnes of plastic. Plastics consistently makes up 60 to 90% of all marine debris studied.Turtles have been dying because of plastic pollution.

When we litter we should make wise choices of what actions we do because some people don't know what they do and what actions they make.

When people litter it takes a long time for the animals to digest the plastic in their stomach and when it doesn't digest they start to die.

The reason why the waters are not clear is because of the rubbish and the plastic that gets into the ocean and goes into the middle of the ocean because of the current that takes the plastic.

Why do people drop plastic when we have rubbish bins to put rubbish in? Did you know that in 2019 there were  5 trillion pieces of plastic waste in the world's oceans.


we had to write a paragraph that had to do with plastic pollution did u know that we dropped less plastic than last year .did u know last year we dropped 5 trillion pieces of plastic and this year we dropped  5.25 trillion macro and micro pieces of plastic in our ocean.

Wednesday 23 September 2020

L.I To think deeply about a change I would make ‘If I was Prime Minister I would

Make sure that all kids have lunch and make sure every person has a house and food to eat and drink.To give children free lunch. To make houses for the homeless. Give teachers or adults better pay .give kids free sports equipment. Make houses cheaper for people that cannot afford it.make new zealand a good is a good place . make sure there bills are short and help people that are struggling. Help kids with there school supply .i will make sure we have more maoris  and pasifika in new Zealand. 


 To decide which political party I would vote for I read a summary of the policies each party wants to introduce should they win the election and the right to form a government to run NZ. Doing this allowed me to make an informed decision.If I was 18 I would vote for labour because they are trying to help schools This means if they help schools children can learn more. if labour won the election in my electorate jenny salesa would be our member of parliament and Jacinder Arden would remain as the Prime Minister.

Friday 18 September 2020


 LI:To identify the different types and uses of plastic

Sea turtles that eat 14 pieces of plastic have 50 per cent chance of dying,  CSIRO study finds - ABC News

This week for tech the year 7s at Panmure Bridge School  learned about the different types of plastics. We also learned about Plastic, material, wood, paper and metal which helps us understand more about  plastics. We also played an activity that will give us more information on plastic. The activity we played was about looking around the class and trying to look for the different materials that we could see. The most interesting fact that I learnt was that every year 17 billion rubbish gets thrown away in the ocean.

Thursday 17 September 2020

kiwi sport/dance

 L.I to make beats with our body parts

 This week, The year 7s and year 8’s had Kiwisport,This term Panmure Bridge school is doing Dance for this term. We are working with Rebecca, Rebecca is our dance teacher. This week our theme is about getting into rydem and making the same beat at the same time.  I enjoyed making beats with my hands,feet and other body parts. I also really enjoyed dancing to one of my favorite songs, Say So by Doja cat . Moving around with my friends and dancing to the music was really funny and fun to do.  

te wiki te reo maori

we did a google maps that had place names in new Zealand i worked with heavenly,afa,Hosea and liletina
this is a fun activity.we need to find places like Hamilton that are in NZ that are popular. 

Pouvi reading

today i helped Pouvi read Pouvi read three books and i had to roll a dice after he had read to me i had to ask the questions  when,where,who,what,why,how if he had made a mistake i would help him and tell him how to say was fun doing this because it helped Pouvi read and be confident to read. 

Wednesday 16 September 2020


 L.I to work out the elapsed time. 

Today for maths our group used the maths clocks to help us work out the answer to the elapsed time questions. Elapsed means the time has gone by . we need to find a time then find how many minutes or how many hours it took. i like trying to find out the answer to the question. it was a fun activity to do it helps me tell the time and it helps me with my maths.

Friday 11 September 2020

Its cool 2b me



This week as an activity for the DARE program that we've recently started, was to make a DLO about ourselves. In our DLO we've included our goals, someone we would like to be, things we like doing, a wish, things about ourselves, qualities we look for in friends, favourite foods and our best friends. I really enjoyed this activity as I got to let people know its cool to be me. 



This DLO is about Observation and Science.I worked to get this task completed.  I looked for Images that I could use to help the readers understand the DLO. I completed this DLO by sharing my ideas ,Helping each other, Looking for images. The most important thing I learned was that Science is  empirical which means it is based on.


MRS C GREN is an acronym for life process, which stands for (Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Cells, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion, Nutrition). This week for Science, we learnt about MRS C GREN, which is a part of Biology, and created a DLO about it. We used collaboration and smart searching by skimming and scanning for keywords to help us select and reject information needed for our DLO. Something Sakina, Giovanni, haylee and I found interesting, was that even living organisms with one single cell can grow. We really enjoyed learning about MRS C GREN.

family tree


this is our te reo moari challenge we need to name our siblings and our aunts and cousins and our parents in moari and we need to name them for example  cousin is kaihana. this is a fun activity because u get to learn moari .

Better late than never


This week for writing, we were learning about proverbs, and phrases that describe things. For an example, every cloud has a silver lining. This means that everyone has a problem with a comfortable aspect. I have decided to create a DLO about one that I like, which is better to be late then ever. It means it is better to do something or arrive after the expected time than not do it or arrive at all.

vincent van gogh


Vincent van gogh is a famous artist so we thought we would try to make one of his paintings 
so we sis we uses white,yellow,brown ,mustard colour and  bronze colour.we mixed some colours in two make mixed colours.did u know Vincent van  gogh sold 2 paintings in his lifetime he painted 900 paintings.i enjoyed painting Vincent van goghs paintings.
it was hard to do the peddels to the sun flower but it was fun.

Friday 4 September 2020

tech reflection

 LI: To identify what we know about science

Today for Tech we had science with Mrs Sharma. First we got new booklets from Mrs  Sharma.        and on our booklets we wrote what we think science is and if we have a question that we would say to a scientist then we got A3 paper. After that we folded our  A3 paper into quarters then we wrote the most science words we can write in 2 minutes . Then we drawed a picture of what we think scientist do if there that we got photos and we picked one each and after that we wrote about what the photo is about. 

Thursday 3 September 2020

duffy books in schools

 I would like to say a big thank you to Duffy for the books. I got my 2  favorite new books, i like the books Duffy had gave me because the books he gave me were the invincibles and amulet.  I am really looking forward to reading the amulet because there are a lot of series of the book and i cant wait to read the 7th one. Another big thanks to duffy for giving us the opportunity to pick our books.

Wednesday 2 September 2020

Vincent Van Gogh Timeline

 LI: To create a timeline to show the life of Vincent Van Gogh.

Made with Padlet

My group worked collaboratively using Padlet to create a timeline about the life of Vincent Van Gogh. Van Gogh was an artist from the post impressionist movement which meant he liked to paint still life paintings that captured a moment in time. We found it really interesting that while he was alive he didn't sell many paintings but in 1990, 100 years after his death, a painting by him sold for $82.5 million!

Friday 7 August 2020


L.I To find out what qualifications I will need to become an automotive Technician.
we did careers and we had to do the same job but we had to see how much they make and how to get the job we have to train for 4 years and every year the construction project managers earn $80,000 to $170,000 here is the link to the DLO.

dance class

L.I to make shapes by collaborating with other 

Miss Rebecca is our dance teacher. The topic is me and my body. We did dance  to express me by doing movement and by creating shapes with our body to the song. we had to dance around until the music stopped then we had to be collaboratively with our group and make a shape with our body. The fun thing about dance is  that there are no wrong ways to dance. you can dance however you want.the finish this is that we needed to work together to see what letters we can get in to we had four groups of six and in that six people we all had to try do the alphabet with the whole group well working collaboratively.

Thursday 6 August 2020

Life education

L.I: To learn the safety's with the Life Ed.

At PBS we had the life education van. Our teacher Nicole helped us learn what effects our body in a bad and good way. Drugs such as cigarettes, Vapes and alcohol are the drugs that can effect you really bad. Cigarettes can make your lungs black and vaping for too long can make you cancer. We got to scan one of our class mates and it was kind of interesting. Our group were finding ideas of what Kupi should do to be a good role model.

What Is Science

L.I To find the three most vital ideas from the information to help us find the answer “What is science?”

This week we watched a video which helped us understand what science is. While watching the video, we took notes, by selecting and rejecting the information. We used the information to identify the three most vital ideas. We shared our ideas and negotiated on where to put the information, whether it was four very important ideas or three most vital ideas. We also collaborated and respected each other's opinions for this activity.

We think the three most vital ideas are:

  • Science is an answer and has the power to destroy and heal.
  • Science includes physics, chemistry and biology.
  • Science is discovering new things.


L.I: To summarise the information.

This week for our reading topic (science), we created a summary using the information from our post it notes. In our summary, we skimmed and scanned to find the important keywords. We also shared our ideas and collaborated to create our summary. For our next activity, we used a question dice to help us create three interesting questions that we wanted to research. We all worked together in these activities.

The three most interesting questions are:

  • When was science discovered? 

  • Why is science important?

  • How is science different from the past to today? 

Wednesday 29 July 2020

L.I Making connections to problem solving

Today we made a tangram puzzle with LS1 because we had no internet connection.A Tangram puzzle is an ancient Chinese puzzle named the tangram puzzle. We used  A4 paper and scissors. Then we were following the instructions. After that we work together as a group to help each other out. Then the challenge was to make a square out of all the pieces we made. We  found a solution to solve the puzzle. It was really complicated to solve but at the end we did it. It was fun and challenging to make this puzzle. We  used problem solving to figure out how to do the puzzle .

Friday 3 July 2020


L.I to use the skills of volleyball in a game situation
For the last week of kiwi sport we were practising our spiking and we had to recap of what we did over the last few weeks. Then we had a few games of elimination if we had got the ball out we had to go out and wait till the people in your team to do three touches then you could come back in.then we played a 1 server game and you had to get all of the people in your team with 1 server . the first team to get there whole team wins. 

food TechKnowledge

L.I to make pizza

Today at food tech we followed the recipe to make a beef and BBQ Pizza.The pizza tasted scrumptious
and amazing it tasted delicious Mrs Heka helped us make the pizza after it was done it was hard to get the pizza off the tray then we went to the eating area and ate after we ate we went back to school.


L.I to explain in fewer words what  the text is about
This was our matariki blog post about matariki. We had to summarise about matariki we had had to pick 20 important words from our knowledge about matariki. Also we had to pick 6 most important words, then we had to summarize those those words in sentence.

Thursday 2 July 2020

Infomation about the 3 birds

L.I: To use our knowledge and find three interesting information and fact about these matariki harvesting birds. 

                                                      here is the link to the slide

this DLO shows interesting facts and information about 3 matariki harvesting birds. I worked with my group to find these interesting facts and information.  The three matariki harvesting birds we picked a Tui, Huia and Kereru. 

7 stars

L.I to draw 7 stars
This week our Te Reo challenge set by Miss Pryde was to draw and label the Matariki cluster of stars. Matariki is the Maori new year, a time for family and new beginnings

Optical Illusions

L.I:  To explain what an optical Illusion
This DLO shows what is a optical Illusion and how an Optical Illusion happens. On this DLO it shows what Optical l Illusion means. We used one Optical l Illusion and found out what wrong with it. I worked with my group to find interesting information about optical l Illusion information. Mr Johnston also came in to help us with this.

venn diagram

L.I to compare and contrast
this is a  venn diagram about matariki this shows what was in the past and what is happening now
we had to see what was the same out of both.   

what is matariki

L.I To use your smart searching skill to find information that tells others what matariki is 

Today we were leaning about what Matariki is family of 7 stars and is the Maori new year. Matariki is a time remember the past,learn about traditions and stars new beginning.    

Wednesday 1 July 2020


L.I to practise defining maths vocabulary words 

To help us practise the meaning of maths words. Mrs Anderson taught us a game called maths word challenge. I worked with Lilly and hosea  on this game.  To play the game 2 players found a word from the maths word game,  then had to give a clue to the person trying to  figure out the math word who was sitting with their back to the other players. 

Monday 29 June 2020


L.I to explore a career that interest me 
I took the career quest quiz to help me find a career that interests me. at the  end we had the three 
options i chose were building and construction manager a line mechanic and a Diver. We had to find information about the DLO. This DLO Explanes what i might want to be in the future. 

Friday 26 June 2020

food technology

L.I to listen to the instructions to make sagwala dish

Today for food technology we made a Sagwala dish first we got our medium bowl out and added the curry powder into the bowl then we gave our medium bowl to Miss Heka to get the rice. After that we got our measuring cups and measuring spoons. Then we put our tomato into one of the measuring cup and the other measuring cups were use  to add our yogurt then we added all of our ingredients. It was amazing and fun.

Thursday 25 June 2020


L.I to learn how to dig

Today for kiwi sport we Learned a new skill that was digging. we recapped about what we did. Then we got in groups 4 digging to each other. After that we got into groups. The groups were 1

2 3 4. Once we got in our groups we played king of the court. For example  we had a court each so group 1 and 2 were on two courts and group 3 and 4 had two courts. After that we played some games. The group that won the king of the court was group 4. It was challenging and fun.



Statistical Investigation: Kowhaiwhai designs

LI: To carry out a statistical investigation across PBS to find the most popular kawhaiwahi

Our group worked collaboratively to carry out a statistical investigation to help Miss Pryde choose the winning kowhaiwhai design for our PBS Te Reo blog. When we asked the students the designs on the DLO were the most popular. If you click on the link you will see all the kowhaiwhai designs our class created.

Tuesday 23 June 2020


L.I To explain How Periscope works

Mr Johnston came and taught us what periscopes are , how they are used and who used them .
we found out that the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection.
that means if the light hits a mirror at a 45 degrees it reflects the light back at 45 degrees 
it was fun.

Light facts

L.I to share 5 facts about light that we find interesting

we worked collaboratively to create a DLO that shows Facts about light .one fact interesting me is light can only travel in a straight line  because it can not turn corners.

Thursday 18 June 2020

Maths challenge

LI: To find the most efficient strategy to answer the question

This week our group practice finding the answer to written maths questions. To do this we needed to first find the numbers we were working with. We decided the most efficient strategy was to use our times table knowledge. Being able to find how many groups of a number made this strategy efficient.

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Evaluating a Text

LI: To read the information in the text, think about what you have read and form an opinion  

We read the story ‘The Protest March’ then made connections between what is happening in the world now. We used the information in the story and our prior knowledge to help us form an opinion.

Hot Cake Recipe

LI: To structure and write a procedural text

For writing we have been learning how to write a procedural text. To do this we used the recipe we followed at Tech. This procedure tells the reader how to make hot cakes. Before we wrote this we worked collaboratively to order the pictures Mrs Anderson took of us making the hotcakes. Once we had done that we matched each photo with a verb. A verb is an action word and tells anyone following the recipe what they need to do. After that we use the verbs as sentence starters and collaboratively wrote a list of instructions.

For writing we have been learning how to write a procedural text. To do this we used the recipe we followed at Tech. This procedure tells the reader how to make hot cakes. Before we wrote this we worked collaboratively to order the pictures Mrs Anderson took of us making the hotcakes. Once we had done that we matched each photo with a verb. A verb is an action word and tells anyone following the recipe what they need to do. After that we use the verbs as sentence starters and collaboratively wrote a list of instructions.

Friday 12 June 2020

food technology

L.I How to listen to instruction to make curry salad

Today for Tech we did food technology with Mrs Heka. We made a curry rice salad, first we got our bowls, measuring cups and measuring spoons. Then we got our ingredients it was 1 tablespoon of curry powder, 2 tablespoons of corn bits and 1 tablespoon of beans. After that we got our bowl of vegetables and then we cut our onion,red cabbage and grated our carrot. Then we put our onion in a big pot then we got our oil and added it to the pot with the onion. Then we got our cooked rice and mashed it then Mrs Heka came and started the stove for use to cook the curry. After that we added our chicken into the pot with the oil and the onion then we waited for the chicken to turn  white then we added the rice and misk the rice and chicken together and then we added the curry powder with the chicken and rice till it turns yellow and that's when we added the beans and the corn bits it was fun to make.