
Friday 27 November 2020

Tech Blogpost 2020


This year has been one of roughest year as we got into lockdown and things about as Covid-19 hit. On weekdays every friday the year 7’s and year 8’s students at Panmure Bridge School goes to tech, At tech we have 3 rotations, The year 7’s rotations went from Mrs Fregson,Mrs Heka and Mrs Sharma, Mrs Fregoson is all about doing robots and moving them around as playing with coding, Mrs Heka is all about making food and trying them out, lastly Mrs Sharma is all about having fun in science.  I think tech this year was the best as it was our first year doing tech, I really enjoyed finding out new things every friday with them. I think tech really helped me with learning different facts. 

Today at tamaki college was the last week at tech we grabbed 10 leaves for the activity.we had to try to get the colour,texture,thickness,pattern  and the size of the leaves . we had to find out how the plants eat,how plants grow,why animals need plants.than we wrote down what kind of leaves people eat for example cabbage,red cabbage,lettuce,seaweed,kale,spinach.

Then we watched a video about plants and how they spread water through the plant.

Wednesday 25 November 2020

care award collage


For my silver Respect Care Award I have created this is collage about life at Panmure Bridge School. At PBS we are lucky to experience lots of different learning experiences both inside and outside of the classroom.  I  have included photos from cricket, kiwi sport, basketball, food tech and class learning.

Art colouring book

L.I To experiment with colours 


This morning we tried one of this year’s Kick Start Summer Learning Journey activities. The purpose of this task was to experiment with colours by mixing colours from the original palette with pop colours. This allowed us to recolours famous painting or images of landmarks around the world.the picture i chose is called moon masque by Lois Mailou Jones.

Wednesday 18 November 2020

Should masks be compulsory on NZ public transport?


A provocation is an action or speech that triggers strong feelings about a topic. Today we considered both sides of the provocation, ‘Should masks be compulsory on NZ public transport?’ We then used that infomration to help us form an opinion that we could justify with evidence. i say we should wear a mask to protect our selves and to stop the virus from spreading.

Exploring our national current events


These reasons are to persuade, inform or entertain (PIE). Each day, newspaper editors around the world must make decisions about which stories they will run. We explored the different types of current events that are happening in New Zealand, thought about why the story made the news and plotted the location on a google map.
the thing i found interesting is that Leonid meteor shower visible in New Zealand skies. The meteor shower appears from 14 to 21 November. 

Thursday 12 November 2020

main idea


L.I To find out the main idea 

This DLO is about the Main Ideas in the Poem called Embarrassment. I worked with Makaili,Hosea,Afa and  liletina. We needed to read the book twice to help us understand what the book is about.  I also needed to find out the main details that will help others and yourself understand what the main Idea is . Working with my buddies was really fun and enjoyable because we shared our ideas by working together to understand the book and the main idea.


weight challenge 3

LI: to show your strategies  

 This week in maths Afatia, Lukah, haylee, Juel and I created a DLO about our challenge we did in Maths.Our maths challenges were based on our learning about weight. We solved three separate word problems and chose one to make a dlo about. We explained our strategy on how we got the answer. Our problem was to figure out the combination of animals to match the weight of an elephant.

Friday 6 November 2020



L.I to build a rocket to see how far it goes

This week for tech, The year 7s Worked with Mrs Sharma and Mr Dunn. Mr Dunn showed us by explaining and understanding How many fins does the rocket need to fly ( No Fins , 2 Fins or 4 Fins) for my prediction. I think my rocket needs 4 fins to fly. We first started off by writing keywords that link to rocket science. We also learned interesting facts and information about rockets. The most interesting fact I learned was that here is a New Zealand Rocket company called Rocket Lab. We learned interesting things about that lab and who works with them.

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Guy fawkes summary


LI: To explain in fewer words what the text is about

Blurb: i Today LS2 worked with Room 5. We picked partners and my partner was Max and jayden. we also made a summary on Guy Fawkes and how he tried to blow up parliament. We worked collaboratively with our partner and completed the challenge.